List of Documents Required For Voting 2025 ( Updated )

List of Documents Required For Voting 2024: The Lok Sabha Election 2024 started on April 19. In such a situation, every citizen of the country should vote under his constitutional right. If you have been 18 years old or more than 18 years old and you are preparing to vote, then this news is for you. Voters must have a Voter ID card to vote because the voter ID card has to be shown before going to the polling booth and voting. The identity of the voters is verified through the voter ID card so that no one person can vote for the other.

List of Documents Required For Voting
List of Documents Required For Voting

List of Documents Required For Voting

Do not Forget these documents when you go to cast your vote. At the time of voting, the voter will have to produce his Elector Photo Identity Card to prove his identity. Electors who are unable to produce their Electors Photo Identity Card will have to produce any one of the 12 alternative photo identity documents for their identification.

  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • Aadhaar
  • Service identity cards with photographs issued to employees by central/state government PSUs/ public limited companies
  • Passbooks with photograph issued by bank/post office
  • MNREGA job card
  • PAN card
  • Smart card issued by RGI under NPR
  • Health insurance smart card issued under the Labour Ministry scheme
  • Pension document with photograph; official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs

List of Documents Required For Voting in Hindi:

इन दस्तावेजों से कर सकते हैं वोटिंग आप भी लोक सभा इलेक्शन में 

आप सभी को इन सभी में से एक या दो पहचानपत्र अपने साथ ले के जाना है जब भी आप वोटिंग करने जाएं |

  1. आधार कार्ड
  2. मनरेगा जॉब कार्ड
  3. बैंकों, डाकघरों द्वारा जारी किये गये फोटोयुक्त पासबुक
  4. श्रम मंत्रालय की योजना के अन्तर्गत जारी स्वास्थ्य बीमा स्मार्ट कार्ड
  5. ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस
  6. पैन कार्ड
  7. एनपीआर के अन्तर्गत आरजीआई द्वारा जारी किये गये स्मार्ट कार्ड
  8. भारतीय पासपोर्ट
  9. फोटोयुक्त पेंशन दस्तावेज
  10. केन्द्र/राज्य सरकार/लोक उपक्रम/पब्लिक लिमिटेड कम्पनियों द्वारा अपने कर्मचारियों को जारी किए गये फोटोयुक्त सेवा पहचान पत्र
  11. सांसदों/विधायकों/विधान परिषद् सदस्यों को जारी किये गये सरकारी पहचान पत्र
  12. यूनिक डिसएबिलिटी आईडी (यूडीआईडी) कार्ड

Can I Cast My Vote if i do not have Voted ID?

Yes, Permission to vote by showing many documents in addition to voter ID is allowed by the Election Commission of India. If you are a registered voter, you can also vote without a voter ID card. According to the Election Commission, apart from the voter ID, many other documents are allowed to vote by showing it.

For this, the Election Commission has told about those 12 documents. A vote can be cast if any one of the documents is there. So let’s know what are the mandatory documents to vote if you do not have a voter card. A full list of all documents is provided. Check all documents listed if you do not have a Voted ID.

However, just having an ID card will not allow you to vote. The most important condition for this is that your name should be on the voter list (Search for your name in the voters list).

Who can vote?

According to the Election Commission, if a person is 18 or older and is an Indian citizen, then he can vote. However, his name should be on the voter list. Everyone has equal rights to vote if there is citizenship, age and name in the voter list.

Conclusion: List of Documents Required For Voting

Hope You like this article about the list of documents required to vote in the election. In this article, we have explained that different documents can be used as ID if you do not have an ID card to vote in the election. If you have any doubt then you can comment in the comment section below.

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