UPI 3rd Party Apps List 2025: Latest Updated Full List

UPI 3rd Party Apps List 2025: UPI, or Unified Payments Interface, lets people transfer money instantly between bank accounts using their mobile phones. Many apps use UPI to make payments easy. Google Pay is a popular app that lets you send and receive money quickly.  PhonePe, owned by Flipkart, also allows easy money transfers and bill payments.

Paytm is another well-known app that supports UPI and offers services like mobile recharges and online shopping. BHIM, launched by the government, is a simple and secure UPI app for everyone. Amazon Pay uses UPI for smooth online shopping and payments. These apps make everyday transactions fast and convenient, helping people manage their money with ease. Here we are providing a complete list of all UPI 3rd party apps.

UPI 3rd Party Apps List
UPI 3rd Party Apps List

UPI 3rd Party Apps List 2025 ( Latest Updated Full List )

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has become a popular way to make digital payments in India. Various third-party apps use UPI to offer quick and easy money transfers. Here is a list of some well-known UPI 3rd party apps:


Sr. No. UPI 3rd Party Apps PSP Banks Handle Name
1 Amazon Pay Axis Bank @apl
Yes Bank @yapl
RBL Bank @rapl
2 Bajaj Finserv Axis Bank @abfspay
3 Bajaj MARKETS (Finserv Markets) Axis Bank @abfspay
4 CRED Axis Bank @axisb
5 Fave (Pinelabs) IDFC FIRST Bank @idfcbank
6 Flipkart UPI Axis Bank @fkaxis
7 Goibibo ICICI bank @icici
8 Google Pay Axis Bank @okaxis
HDFC Bank @okhdfcbank
ICICI @okicici
State Bank of India @oksbi
9 Groww Yes Bank @yesg
10 Jupiter Money Axis Bank Limited @jupiteraxis
11 Kiwi Axis Bank Limited @goaxb
12 Make My Trip ICICI @icici
13 MobiKwik HDFC Bank @ikwik
14 Navi Axis Bank @naviaxis
15 Niyo Global ICICI Bank @niyoicici
16 Phonepe Yes Bank @ybl
ICICI Bank @ibl
Axis Bank @axl
17 Samsung Pay Axis Bank @pingpay
18 Shriram One HDFC Bank @shriramhdfcbank
19 slice Axis Bank @sliceaxis
20 TataNeu ICICI Bank @tapicici
21 Timepay The Cosmos Co-Operative Bank Ltd. @timecosmos
22 Ultracash IDFC Bank @idfcbank
23 WhatsApp* ICICI Bank @waicici, @icici
Axis Bank @waaxis
HDFC Bank @wahdfcbank
State Bank of India @wasbi
24 Aditya Birla Capital Digital ICICI Bank @abcdicici
25 Paytm Yes Bank @paytm
Axis Bank @ptaxis
HDFC Bank @pthdfc
SBI @ptsbi
26 Fampay Yes Bank @yesfam
27 Popclub Yes Bank @yespop

27 UPI 3rd Party Apps List To Make Payment

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is a real-time payment system developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). UPI allows instant transfers of money between bank accounts via a mobile phone. Many apps in India use UPI for seamless transactions. Here’s a list of popular third-party UPI apps:

1. Google Pay

  • Developer: Google
  • Features: fast and secure transactions, bill payments, and rewards.
  • Interface: user-friendly and simple.
  • Special Note: Widely used for its integration with other Google services.

2. PhonePe

  • Developer: Flipkart
  • Features: UPI payments, mobile recharge, bill payments, and investment options.
  • Interface: clean and intuitive.
  • Special Note: Supports multiple languages.

3. Paytm

  • Developer: One97 Communications
  • Features: UPI transfers, wallet, bill payments, shopping, and ticket booking.
  • Interface: feature-rich but easy to navigate.
  • Special Note: Offers cashback and discounts.

4. BHIM App

  • Developer: National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)
  • Features: Basic UPI functions, bill payments, and donations.
  • Interface: Simple and straightforward.
  • Special Note: Official app by the government.

5. Amazon Pay

  • Developer: Amazon
  • Features: UPI payments, bill payments, and shopping.
  • Interface: Integrated with the Amazon shopping app.
  • Special Note: Offers rewards and discounts on Amazon purchases.

6. Mobikwik

  • Developer: Mobikwik Systems
  • Features: UPI transfers, mobile recharge, bill payments, and credit card payments.
  • Interface: user-friendly and feature-packed.
  • Special Note: Provides loans and credit options.

7. FreeCharge

  • Developer: Axis Bank
  • Features: UPI transactions, bill payments, and mobile recharge.
  • Interface: Simple and effective.
  • Special Note: Rewards for transactions.

8. Mi Pay

  • Developer: Xiaomi
  • Features: UPI transfers, mobile recharge, and bill payments.
  • Interface: Integrated with Xiaomi devices.
  • Special Note: Pre-installed on Xiaomi smartphones.

9. WhatsApp Pay

  • Developer: Facebook
  • Features: UPI payments within WhatsApp chats.
  • Interface: Extremely simple, embedded in WhatsApp.
  • Special Note: Convenient for regular WhatsApp users.

10. Tata Pay

  • Developer: Tata Group
  • Features: UPI payments, bill payments, and mobile recharge.
  • Interface: Easy to use.
  • Special Note: Offers Tata-related services.

11. Slice Pay

  • Developer: Slice
  • Features: UPI payments and credit card-like services.
  • Interface: Young and modern design.
  • Special Note: Popular among students and young professionals.

12. JioPay

  • Developer: Reliance Jio
  • Features: UPI transactions, mobile recharge, and bill payments.
  • Interface: Simple, integrated with Jio services.
  • Special Note: Pre-installed on Jio phones.

13. Cred

  • Developer: Cred
  • Features: UPI payments, credit card management, and bill payments.
  • Interface: Sleek and premium.
  • Special Note: Rewards for timely credit card payments.

List of Supported UPI Apps In India

Given below is the list of supported UPI apps ranked based on payment success rate.

UPI 3rd Party Apps Package Name
Google Pay com.google.android.apps.nbu.paisa.user
PhonePe com.phonepe.app
PayTM net.one97.paytm
Paytm Mall com.paytmmall
BHIM in.org.npci.upiapp
Amazon Pay in.amazon.mShop.android.shopping
ICICI Imobile com.csam.icici.bank.imobile
SBI com.sbi.upi
MyAirtel App com.myairtelapp
ICICI Pockets com.icicibank.pockets
HDFC Snapwork com.snapwork.hdfc
HDFC Wibmo com.enstage.wibmo.hdfc
Mobikwik com.mobikwik_new
Axis Pay com.upi.axispay
Axis Mobile com.axis.mobile
Freecharge com.freecharge.android
Samsung SPayMini com.samsung.android.spaymini
Samsung SPay com.samsung.android.spay
Cred com.dreamplug.androidapp
Bank of Baroda com.bankofbaroda.upi
WhatsApp Business com.whatsapp.w4b
PNB com.fss.pnbpsp
UNBI com.fss.unbipsp
KVB MyCompany com.mycompany.kvb
Vijaya Bank com.fss.vijayapsp
Dena com.dena.upi.gui
Jammu and Kashmir com.fss.jnkpsp
Kotak com.olive.kotak.upi
Hike com.bsb.hike
IDFC PSP com.fss.idfcpsp
Yes Bank com.YesBank
ABIPBL com.abipbl.upi
Polymer com.microsoft.mobile.polymer
Fino com.finopaytech.bpayfino
Oriental Bank of Commerce com.mgs.obcbank
Federal Bank com.upi.federalbank.org.lotza
Indus Bank com.mgs.induspsp
Wizely ai.wizely.android
DCB com.olive.dcb.upi
Yes Merchant com.mgs.yesmerchantnative.prod
DBS com.dbs.in.digitalbank
RBL MoBank com.rblbank.mobank
Chillr in.chillr
CitrusPay com.citrus.citruspay
South Indian Bank com.SIBMobile
MI Pay com.mipay.wallet.in
WhatsApp com.whatsapp
Truecaller com.truecaller
Ola com.olacabs.customer
GB WhatsApp com.gbwhatsapp
Angel Mobile com.msf.angelmobile
Funds India com.fundsindia
iMuthoot com.muthootfinance.imuthoot
Angel Wealth com.angelbroking.angelwealth
Bajaj Finserv org.altruist.BajajExperia
Bajaj Finserv MARKETS in.bajajfinservmarkets.app

UPI 3rd Party Apps Handle Name List

Here is the complete list of all UPI 3rd party apps handled:

Sr. No. PPI Issuer UPI 3rd Party Apps Handle Name Links URL
1 ICICI Bank Limited Pockets @pockets ICICI Bank Contact Us: Customer Care, Queries & Feedback – ICICI Bank
2 IDFC FIRST Bank Limited First ₹UPI @idfcpay https://www.idfcfirstbank.com/customer-care
3 Amazon Pay (India) Private Limited Amazon @amazonpay https://www.amazon.in/hz/contact-us/
4 Spice Money Limited BHIM SpicePay @spicepay https://www.spicemoney.com/customer-grievance
5 Eroute Technologies Private Limited OmniCard @omni https://www.eroute.in/contact
6 Transerv Limited Dhani @dhani Customer Care Policy | dhanipay.in
7 Bajaj Finance Limited Bajaj Finserv @bpaywallet Contact Us
8 Transcorp International Limited Cheq @trans https://transcorpint.com/contact-us/
9 Tri O Tech Solutions Private Ltd. Fampay @fam https://www.famapp.in/
10 Pine Labs Private Ltd. Fave @pinelabs https://www.pinelabs.com/contact-support
11 One Mobikwik Systems Private Limited Mobikwik @mbk https://www.mobikwik.com/contact
12 Pay Point India Network Private Limited Digikhata @digikhata https://paypointindia.com/about-us.aspx
13 Appnit Technologies Private Limited Oxymoney @oxymoney https://website.oxymoney.com/about-us/
14 Garagepreneur Internet Private Ltd Slice @slice https://www.sliceit.com/about-us/
15 Livquik Technology Pvt. Ltd. QuikWallet @liv https://quikwallet.com/quikwallet/
16 Unimoni Financial Services Limited Unimoni India @paymoni http://www.unimoni.in/
17 Rapipay Fintech Private Limited NYE @nye https://in.rapipay.com/
18 PayU Payments Private Limited Citrus Wallet @Payu https://consumer.citruspay.com/

How to Create a New UPI Account to Transfer Money Using UPI in 2025?

Creating a UPI (Unified Payments Interface) account can be done easily through various banking apps or payment apps. A step-by-step guide to creating a UPI account is provided below:

Step 1: Choose a UPI App

First, you need to choose an app that supports UPI. Some popular options include:

  • Google Pay
  • PhonePe
  • Paytm
  • BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money)

Step 2: Download the App

  1. Open the Google Play Store (for Android) or the App Store (for iPhone).
  2. Search for the app you want to use (e.g., Google Pay).
  3. Tap on Install to download the app.

Step 3: Open the App and Register

  1. Once the app is installed, open it.
  2. You will be asked to enter your mobile number. Make sure this number is linked to your bank account.
  3. Enter your mobile number and tap on Next.

Step 4: Verification

  1. The app will send an SMS to verify your number. Allow the app to access your SMS for automatic verification or enter the OTP (one-time password) manually if prompted.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the verification process.

Step 5: Link Your Bank Account

  1. The app will show a list of banks. Select your bank from the list.
  2. The app will automatically fetch your bank details linked to the mobile number you provided.
  3. You might need to enter the last six digits of your debit card and the expiry date for verification.

Step 6: Set UPI PIN

  1. You will be asked to set a UPI PIN. This is a 4 or 6-digit number that you will use to authorize transactions.
  2. Enter the desired UPI PIN and confirm it by entering it again.

Step 7: Start Using UPI

  1. Once your bank account is linked and your UPI PIN is set, you can start using UPI for transactions.
  2. You can send or receive money, pay bills, and much more.

UPI 3rd Party Apps: How to register on Google Pay for UPI payment?

Here is the complete process to register on Google Pay:

  1. Open Google Pay and select your language.
  2. Enter your mobile number linked to your bank account.
  3. Verify the number with the OTP sent to your phone.
  4. Select your bank from the list.
  5. Google Pay will fetch your account details. Verify your bank account by entering the debit card details.
  6. Set your UPI PIN and confirm it.
  7. Now you are ready to use Google Pay to send and receive money.

FAQ: UPI 3rd Party Apps List in India 2025

What is UPI?

Ans: UPI stands for Unified Payments Interface. It’s a system that allows money transfers between bank accounts using a mobile phone.

What are UPI 3rd Party Apps?

Ans: These are mobile apps developed by companies other than banks to facilitate UPI transactions, like Google Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm.

How do I set up a UPI account?

Ans: Download a UPI app, link your bank account, create a UPI ID (like an email address for payments), and set a secure PIN.

Do I need to have a bank account to use UPI?

Ans: Yes, you must have a bank account linked to your mobile number.

Are UPI transactions free in UPI apps?

Ans: Most UPI transactions are free, but some banks or apps might charge for certain types of transactions.

Can I use multiple UPI apps?

Ans: Yes, you can use multiple UPI apps with the same bank account and mobile number.

What is a UPI ID?

Ans: A UPI ID is a unique identifier for your UPI account, like yourname@bank. It is used to send and receive money.

How secure is UPI?

Ans: Yes, UPI is very secure. It uses two-factor authentication (your phone and a PIN) and doesn’t share your bank details during transactions.

Can I pay bills with UPI?

Ans: Yes, you can pay utility bills, recharge your phone, and make other payments using UPI.

How can I change my UPI PIN?

Ans: Yes, you can change your UPI PIN in the app by going to the account settings and selecting the option to reset or change your PIN.

Can I use UPI internationally?

Ans: UPI is primarily for domestic transactions within India, but some banks and apps may support international use.

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